Sears & Roebuck, Amazon, and The LampStrong Foundation?
In 1888, Richard Sears first used a printed mailer to sell watches and jewelry. By 1894 his catalog boasted that "our trade reaches around the world". Soon one could buy any item imaginable, from clothes to pianos, through The Sears, Roebuck and Co Catalogue....and have it delivered to one's front door.

Now we will fast-forward one hundred years. It was on July 5, 1994 that Jeff Bezos founded today's equivalent to the Sears & Roebuck Catalog. It is called, Inc. In replacing Mr. Sears' impact on the consumer, Mr. Bezos has gone one step further with a not-so-well kept secret. He calls it AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of the eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. Every item available for purchase on is also available on AmazonSmile at the same price.

The best part of the story is that the LampStrong foundation is registered to receive AmazonSmile donations. On your first visit to you will be prompted to select a charitable organization from their eligible organizations. Make it the LampStrong Foundation. You will be helping young cancer survivors make the most out of their second chance at life.